The Browns'  School


Government Subsidy

As the Browns’ School is a state LSEN school – Learners with Special Education Needs – we receive a government subsidy, have many state-paid staff and implement state educational policy. The amount of this subsidy is calculated by the department annually, by a formula based on the number of children in the school and what specific disabilities they have.

Currently, we receive about 50% of running costs, and 70% of the value of the salaries paid, from the education department. We employ 49 staff members privately, to provide support and keep our class sizes down.

So, where does the balance come from?

School Fees

The parents of our learners are required to pay school fees, with full details on the School Fees page.

In the case of parents truly unable to meet this commitment, remissions are granted according to their financial status. This is reviewed annually. The fee includes all the therapy, sport and other benefits offered during the school day, but excludes transport, and personal stationery.

Where a child has a particular individual need, for a computer in the classroom or a specialised wheelchair, for example, parents are required to provide it wherever possible.   If not, then the Income Development Committee will endeavour to find sponsorship for the equipment needed.

Income Development Committee (IDC) 

It all began back in the 1950’s when the mother of a disabled child needed help. Together with some friends and colleagues she raised funds to start a holiday home for children with Cerebral Palsy. When asked by the Press to tell her story she chose to remain anonymous and said “Just call me Mrs Brown” and so the legacy that is The Browns’ School was born.

Our mission hasn’t changed, “to promote respect and tolerance for different view-points and cultures and to instil a sense of dignity and self-worth in the school community.” 

We currently have two findraiser employed by the SGB, Lyn de Klerk and Margot Caine. These ladies work tirelessly to raise funds and host/organise various fundraising initiatives.

Due to budget constraints in Education our subsidy has been substantially reduced with no future relief in sight.  This will have a major impact on our service delivery and the running of the school as we face staff cuts, fundraising has become a necessity. We are pulling out all of the stops to continue raising funds.

We have cut our costs as much possible at great sacrifice for our staff who have been working harder than ever to keep our school running as well as it does. Our staff are far from ordinary, they understand the special needs of our children and have valuable experience in knowing how to overcome each of their unique set of challenges. Many of our Teachers, Therapists and Carers have been at The Browns’ School for over 20 years. Their wealth of experience and knowledge in teaching and caring for children with special needs is invaluable.

Our school strives to make positive differences in the lives of the children we serve and the support of donors is invaluable. If you are able to donate anything on our consumable budget (see list below) it’s one less thing we have to purchase from our strained budget and we would be extremely grateful. Section 18A Tax receipts can be issued to the value of the goods donated and of course financial donations will be gratefully accepted.

Consumable Wish List:

  • Cleaning products (dishwashing liquid, Pinegel, cleaning cloths and sponges, washing powder, bleach)
  • Household utensils (mops, brooms, dustpans and brushes, cleaning gloves)
  • Toilet Rolls
  • Black bags (garbage)
  • A4 Photo copy paper.
  • Tea, coffee, long life milk and sugar
  • HTH and pool chemicals
  • Paper towels

How can you help:

  1. Do a direct deposit , or an EFT transfer. The details are :
First National Bank 
Acc Name: The Browns’ School IDC
Branch Code : 221-626 
Current Account Number: 508 102 346 70
  1. Download Zapper onto your cellphone, or if you have it already, use our code, on the right, to give us your gift of any amount. Follow this link to download :
  2. Set up a monthly debit order for any amount, 
  3. Sponsor a specific project. Contact us for details of our most urgent needs.
  4. Offer goods or services that we can use. 

Donations made to The Browns’ School are tax deductable as we are a Section 18A organisation, and that company donations can add BBBEE points to your score.

My School  Card

Simply go online, register, and make The Browns’ School your beneficiary. Shop and swipe at any My School outlets. A percentage of your purchase is then given to The Browns’ School, at no cost to the cardholder. To date we generally receive about R48 000 per year from My School swipes.

The Golf Day

We need Golfers, sponsors and 4 x ball prizes for our annual Golf Day which is usually in May, email us and we will send you an invite.

Pop-up Thrift Shop 

Our Pop-up shop is a new project and is currently only open for staff and parents on set dates. We constantly need goodies to restock it, if we are able to get a constant flow of stock we will consider opening to the public on set dates. Please ask your friends and relatives to have a spring clean and donate their previously loved items to us, clothes, household items, toys, books, furniture etc. It can be dropped off at reception at the school.

If you have any queries please contact either Lyn or Margot at The Browns’ School on 031 7006065 or email 


Many people love to help our children when they can be sure that their gifts are used in an ethical, responsible way, and that their contributions will be personally recognized, and receipts and accountability given – and that the children will actually be the beneficiaries. Please click on the Donate Now button if you would like to give us a financial gift.

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